Employment challenges and resilience in the labor market: social and individual resources and directions for their strengthening (2024-2027)
Project team: dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė (leader), dr. Arūnas Pocius, dr. Dalia Bagdžiūnienė, dr. Irena Blaževičė, dokt. Emilija Webster
Duration: 2024 09 01 – 2027 08 31
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Summary: Recent years have marked significant changes in areas of social life, including the business environment and employment. Therefore, it is relevant to analyze employment challenges in the post-crisis labor market, to examine not only the effectiveness of the assistance provided by state institutions, but also the job seekers‘ and employed persons‘ resilience in the modern labor market. Resilience is defined as person’s ability to adapt to changes and difficult situations related to real or potential job loss, maintain emotional balance and actively apply constructive coping strategies. Research on resilience in the labor market is a new, relevant field from a theoretical and practical point of view, which is still poorly developed in Lithuania and other countries. This project is the first study of resilience in the labor market in Lithuania, taking into account the employment status and the specifics of social and individual resources in samples of unemployed and employed people. The aim of the project is to examine employment challenges, the social and individual resources of the resilience in the labor market of unemployed and employed persons, the significance of the resilience and directions for its strengthening. Main objectives: to perform a complex analysis of the Lithuanian labor market situation and changes; identify employment challenges; prepare research model; carry out two representative surveys of the unemployed and the employed persons; reveal the resources of resilience in the labor market taking into account the employment status. The results will complement the studies of resilience in the labor market carried out by Lithuanian and foreign researchers, will highlight the theoretical contribution and directions for future research. Empirically revealed factors of the resilience in the labour market of unemployed and employed persons will have an applied value in implementing employment policy and overcoming challenges in the modern labor market.
POSTING.STAT 2.0 – Enhancing the collection and analysis of national data on intra-EU posting (2024-2026)
Project leader at the Institute of Sociology of LCSS: dr. Inga Blažienė
Duration: from 2024 to 2026
Source of funding: European Commission
Summary: POSTING.STAT 2.0 aims to complement the statistical information collected on intra-EU posting at European level by bringing together a research consortium from the main sending and receiving Member States of posted workers (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain). The main goal is to increase the level of empirical evidence through the collection and analysis of national administrative data. The consortium, coordinated by HIVA-KU Leuven, consists of 12 research partners and 4 associated partners. Results will be reported in 11 country reports and 4 thematic papers. Furthermore, 11 country-specific webinars and 4 thematic-specific webinars will be organised. Finally, the results will be discussed at a closing conference in Leuven.
More information: https://hiva.kuleuven.be/en/research/theme/welfarestate/p/POSTING-STAT20
Trust in Relations between Unions and Employers in Europe (TRUE EUROPE) (2023-2025)
Project team at the Institute of Sociology of LCSS: dr. Inga Blažienė (leader), dr. Ramunė Guobaitė, dr. Julija Moskvina
Duration: from November 1, 2023 to November 1, 2025
Source of funding: European Commission (No. 101126483)
Summary: Research indicates that trust between employer and employee representatives may have beneficial effects for both companies and employees. However, there is a lack of systematic comparative research in the EU on the mechanisms and outcomes of trust in different industrial relations systems. The purpose of the comparative European project True Europe is to identify and connect the determinants of trust with the functioning and outcomes of trust in social partner relations. We aim to explore and explain the bases, forms, and effects of trust in social partner relations at both local firm level and at sector level.
More information: http://www.true-europe.eu/
Challenges for Organising and Collective Bargaining in Care, Administration and Waste Management sectors in Central Eastern European Countries (CEECEW) (2023-2025)
Project team at the Institute of Sociology of LCSS: dr. Inga Blažienė (leader), dr. Ramunė Guobaitė, dr. Julija Moskvina
Duration: from November 2023 to October 2025
Source of funding: European Commission
Summary: The aim of the project is to develop collective bargaining (CB) in three sectors in the EU Central Eastern European countries (CEEC) and Serbia (an EU candidate country). The project aims at supporting trade unions (at sectoral and national levels) in the implementation of the goals indicated in Article 4 of the Adequate Minimum Wage Directive in EU Directive. The project includes a research part – an analysis of the state of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the indicated sectors, and an analysis of the expectations and needs of national trade unions in relation to the implementation of Article 4 (CB development) in CEEC. The research will lead to the development of 12 national reports, 4 comparative reports and 4 policy papers in care, waste management, central public administration sectors (on CEEC and Serbia). The comparative reports and their conclusions will be presented and discussed at 4 scientific seminars. Scientific seminars will be done in an online format in English and one additional language (Polish, Lithuanian, Slovak or Bulgarian).
Network of Eurofound Correspondents – Lithuania (2022-2026)
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Inga Blažienė
Project duration: 2022 03 01 – 2026 02 28
Nr. 22-3030-17
Abstract: Network of Eurofound Correspondents is a project initiated and funded by the EU Agency – the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Aim of the project – to provide from the EU Member States experts national-level inputs of key importance for the European debate. The central task of correspondents is to gather, analyse and report on country-specific developments, providing national-level data and research findings. The Network of Eurofound Correspondents contributes to all Eurofound’s core areas of research. This allows Eurofound to map and compare developments and trends, policies, practices and regulations in industrial relations, working conditions, employment and labour markets, and social policy.
Socio-economic factors of youth life chances differentiation in Lithuania (2022-2024)
Project team: dr. Rūta Brazienė (leader), dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Nevarauskienė, dr. Arūnas Pocius, Sonata Vyšniauskienė, Justina Krauledaitė
Project duration: from April 1, 2022, to October 31, 2024
Funding source: Research Council of Lithuania (no. S-MIP-22-42)
Summary: Project “Socioeconomic Factors of Youth Life Chances’ Differentiation in Lithuania” is aimed at revealing the main social and economic factors, determining the differentiation of life chances of the 18-35 years old Lithuanian youth. For the implementation of the study of socio-economic factors of the differentiation of young people’s life chances, a multi-level theoretical research model is used. At the macro level, the model includes a complex analysis of structural, institutional, and cultural factors, and various economic and social indicators (GDP, unemployment rate, youth unemployment rate, etc.). At the mezzo level, the role of family and community is examined. At the micro level, the individual experiences and attitudes of young people are analysed. Expected results of the project. This scientific project will allow a comprehensive analysis of youth from the perspective of life chances, and reveal the distribution of life chances for young people in Lithuania. On the basis of the research results, the differentiation indexes of youth life at the macro level will be constructed, allowing to reveal diversity of youth life chances (in terms of age, gender, education, region, etc.). An innovative multidimensional theoretical model, integrating ideas from sociology, economics, social policy, psychology, etc. will allow revealing a complex picture of the differentiation of young people’s chances in Lithuania.
The results of this research will not only reveal the differentiation of young people’s life chances but will also allow to develop youth public policy recommendations and methodology for interested parties, which would enable more complex planning, solving, and improving the situation of young people at the national and regional level. The social benefit of the knowledge gained during the research and the formulated conclusions will be revealed in the formation of more effective youth policy measures and recommendations for public administration institutions. The results of the project will contribute to the formation and development of youth research in the Eastern and Central European regions. Dissemination results of the project. It is planned to publish an article in the journal, referred in the Scopus DB, to make at least four presentations at national and international scientific conferences, and to carry out a scientific seminar-discussion on the results of the project with relevant stakeholders.
DEFEN-CE: Social Dialogue in Defence of Vulnerable Groups in Post-COVID-19 Labour Markets (2022-2023)
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Inga Blažienė
Project duration: 2022 03 14 – 2023 11 30
Nr. VS/2021/0196
Abstract: The main research question of DEFEN-CE is how social dialogue plays a role in addressing the employment and social protection rights of the vulnerable groups in the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath in 2020-2022. Project aims are addressed via a multi-method approach, including database analysis and qualitative comparative analysis at the EU and national levels. Leading partner of the project – University of Helsinki, partners – Central European Labour Studies Institute, University of Stockholm, University of Duisburg-Essen, Fondazione ADAPT, University of Belgrade.
BFORE – Bargaining for Equality – Strengthening collective bargaining systems to ensure fair wages and address income inequality in Europe (2022-2023)
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Inga Blažienė
Project duration: 2022 05 02 – 2023 09 30
Nr. VS/2021/0209
Abstract: Aim of the project is to identify and analyse collective bargaining processes and practices across Europe that help tackle income inequality and ensure fair wages for all workers. The project examines the interplay between minimum wage regimes, wage structures, collective bargaining systems and inequality, accounting for recent policy and social partner initiatives. BFORE investigates what kind of agreements are settled, as well as the impact of bargaining practices, processes, strategies, and structures on workers’ incomes. Special attention goes to the interrelation between sector- and company-level bargaining and to workers in the low-wage segment. Leading partner – KU Leuven, partners – Centre for European Policy Study, Fundación 1º de Mayo, Labour Institute for Economic Research, Institute of Public Finance; associated organisation – European Trade Union Institute.
Youth Wiki Tool (No. 101048624, 101079785 (2015–2027)
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė
Project duration: 2015-04-01 – 2027-12-31
No. 101048624, 101079785
Abstract: The Youth Wiki is Europe’s online encyclopaedia in the area of national youth policies.
The main objective of the Youth Wiki is to support evidence-based European cooperation in the area of youth by providing up-to-date and user-friendly information on national policies supporting young people, following the adoption of the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field 2019-2027 (EU Youth Strategy.
Browse our website by country or by policy field: https://national-policies.eacea.ec.europa.eu/youthwiki
(BRIDGE) Bridging Integrity in Higher Education, Business and Society (2020-2023)
Project team: chief researcher dr. Sandra Krutulienė (project manager), Sonata Vyšniauskienė (researcher), dr. Inga Gaižauskaitė (project manager until March 2022, researcher until September 2022
Project duration: 2020-11-03-2023-08-31
No. 2020-1-SE01-KA203-077973
Funded by: Erasmus+ programme, Key Action “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices”, Action Type “Strategic Partnerships for higher education”
Project coordinator: Uppsala University, Sweden
Project partners: Mendel University, Czech Republic;
Office of the Ombudsperson for Academic Ethics and Procedures of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuania;
South East European University, North Macedonia;
Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine;
Lithuanian Social Research Centre, Lithuania
Project aim: to create a bridge between academic integrity, research integrity, integrity in business, and society in order to reach a broader understanding and transparency of integrity between these fields, as well as interrelated skills and qualifications needed to act in accordance with academic integrity values.
Determination, detailing, and description of the balanced indicators of the Lithuanian Employment Service (2021-2022).
Project leader: dr. Julija Moskvina
Project duration: 2021 11 – 2022 01
Abstract: The system of balanced indicators of the Lithuanian Employment Service (LES) is considered a key activity management tool, which allows controlling the implementation of the strategy and achieving the strategic goals of the organization with the help of different efficiency indicators. This measurement system is linked to strategic initiatives. It is intended to prevent the day-to-day activities of LES from deviating from strategic goals and to improve internal communication, and the quality of provided labor market services and tools. As LES planned to improve the applied system of balanced indicators, the researchers of the Institute of Sociology of the Lithuanian Social Research Center implemented an analysis of the LES indicators. The analysis was performed at the national level and at the district and municipality levels of Customer Service Departments reflecting the scope of activities and providing conditions for measuring performance. Based on the analysis, a set of indicators was compiled, and a methodology for their use was prepared. Based on historical statistical data, a forecast of applicable indicators for 2022 was made.
Youth labour force participation in elderly care sector addressing population ageing (S-GEV-20-8) (2020–2022).
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė
Project duration: 2020-04-01 – 2021-12-31
No. S-GEV-20-8
Abstract: European population is aging rapidly. Therefore, according to forecasts in various countries, the need for help for the elderly will increase significantly in the future. Such a situation will not only require additional material financial resources, but will also lead to a labour shortage, because according to various research, the social care sector is not an attractive place to work, especially for young people. To this day, the elderly care sector is distinguished by the fact that it is exclusively the work sphere of older persons and women. This situation leads us to raise the questions: a) how to attract and retain young people in the elderly care sector? b) is it possible/how to address the problem of workforce feminization in this sector?
How to attract and retain young people in providing the elderly care services, how to deal with the particular problem of workforce feminization in this sector are questions that require a rather operative answer in shaping Lithuanian social policy. So far, no representative, in-depth research has been conducted in Lithuania on how young people are committed or why not committed to work in the elderly care sector. Therefore, focusing the project on exploring the possibilities of attracting young people to the elderly care sector is a new and very relevant topic. The results of the project will attract public attention to this problem and we hope will help to increase youth employment in the elderly care sector. This would not only help to improve the structure of labour market in this sector, to facilitate the extension of services to the elderly, but also would enhance solidarity between generations, address the problem of workforce feminization in this sector.
Implications of COVID-19 for the Human Security: Challenges and New Opportunities (S-COV-20-26) (2020).
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė
Project duration: 2020-04-01 – 2021-12-31
No. S-GEV-20-8
Building the welfare of older people: empowerment policies, monitoring indicators, and older voice (DOTSUT-254; 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0063) (2017-2021).
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė
Project duration: 2020-04-01 – 2021-12-31
No. S-GEV-20-8
Changes in the Lithuanian labour market and measures to overcome negative consequences in the context of COVID-19 pandemic (S-COV-20-64) (2020).
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė
Project duration: 2020-04-01 – 2021-12-31
No. S-GEV-20-8
Scheduled and on-request reporting services – Network of Correspondents – National and EU-level (2018–2022).
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Inga Blažienė, dr. Rasa Miežienė
Project duration: 2018-03-01 – 2022-02-28
No. 18-3030-17
Abstract: Network of Eurofound Correspondents is a project initiated and funded by the European Union Agency – the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Aim of the project – to provide from the EU Member States experts national-level inputs of key importance for the European debate. The central task of correspondents is to gather, analyse and report on country-specific developments, providing national-level data and research findings. The Network of Eurofound Correspondents contributes to all Eurofound’s core areas of research. This allows Eurofound to map and compare developments and trends, policies, practices and regulations in industrial relations, working conditions, employment and labour markets, and social policy.
BreakBack: The impact of unionisation through innovative service provision on union membership and industrial relations Nr. VS/2019/0079 (2019–2021).
Project leader: dr. Inga Blažienė
Project duration: 2019-03-01 – 2021-11-30
No. VS/2019/0079
Abstract: The purpose of BreakBack was to assess how unions respond to individualisation and to evaluate the impact of service provision on membership. The project focused on service provision as a strategy through which unions aim to enhance their membership, “revitalize” action and relaunch the role of an inclusive and innovative social dialogue, by reaching groups and individuals who are often excluded from protection. Leading partner of the project – CISL Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori, partners – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Università degli Studi di Firenze, University of Copenhagen, DIESIS.
Articuliation of the Trade Unions’ Strategies on upward convergence of social standards in the enlarged European Union – voice of CEE countries, 2019-03-01 Nr. VS/2019/0070 (2019–2021).
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė
Project duration: 2020-04-01 – 2021-12-31
No. S-GEV-20-8
“Youth Wiki Tool” Nr. 607057-EPP-1-LT-EPPKA3-YTH-WIKI (2020).
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė
Project duration: 2020-04-01 – 2021-12-31
No. S-GEV-20-8
Provision of information reporting services: quality of work and employment, industrial relations and restructuring and management of change – Lithuania (2015-2018).
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė
Project duration: 2020-04-01 – 2021-12-31
No. S-GEV-20-8
Pagyvenusių žmonių globos sektoriaus transformacijos: paslaugų, darbo jėgos poreikis ir užimtumo kokybė (kartu su VU ir Socialinės gerovės institutu) (2015-2017).
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė
Project duration: 2020-04-01 – 2021-12-31
Nr. S-GEV-20-8
Provision of scheduled and on-request reporting services – Network of Correspondents – Lithuania (2014-2018)
Project leader: dr. Inga Blažienė, Rasa, Zabarauskaitė
Project duration: 2014-03-01 – 2018-02-28
No. 14-3030-17 and Nr. 14-3030-46
Abstract: Network of Eurofound Correspondents is a project initiated and funded by the European Union Agency – the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Aim of the project – to provide from the EU Member States experts national-level inputs of key importance for the European debate. The central task of correspondents is to gather, analyse and report on country-specific developments, providing national-level data and research findings. The Network of Eurofound Correspondents contributes to all Eurofound’s core areas of research. This allows Eurofound to map and compare developments and trends, policies, practices and regulations in industrial relations, working conditions, employment and labour markets, and social policy.
Artus-CEE – Articuliation of the Trade Unions’ Strategies on upward convergence of social standards in the enlarged European Union – voice of CEE countries (2019-2021)
Project leader: chief researcher dr. Boguslavas Gruževskis
Project duration: 2019-03-01 – 2021-02-28
No. VS/2019/0070
Abstract: The main objective of Artus-CEE was to analyse abilities of trade unions to undertake effective actions aiming at upward convergence of social standards and welfare systems in the EU in the context of clear disparity in industrial relations systems among EU countries and the weak EU level industrial relations in CEE countries. In order to accomplish the main objective, perceptions among European trade unions on steps necessary to ensure transfer of the European Social Model to the New Member States were analysed. Leading partner of the project – Institute of Public Affairs, IPA (Poland), partners – University of Ljubljana, UL (Slovenia), Central European Labour Studies Institute, CELSI (Slovakia), Institute for Public Policy, IPP (Romania) and Centre for Economic Development, CED (Bulgaria).